Dare to Take the Read-Aloud Challenge?

A little over 2 years ago, my sister and I got to talking about J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit (affiliate link). Although she enjoyed the story, she wasn’t much of a reader. (Bummer, I know.) As our conversation wound down, she surprised me with an interesting question.

Até*, could you read the next chapter to me?

* means big sister in Tagalog

At the time, I thought that that was a curious request since the last time I’ve ever read to her aloud was when she was still in elementary. But I obliged anyway. So I tucked her in and painted the night with the mystical adventures of dwarves, a wise wizard, and Bilbo Baggins.

Now, you might be thinking, “Jamae, read-alouds are for children. Grade school. We’re adults!”

Let’s backtrack a few centuries. If King Xerxes could ask someone to read to him when he couldn’t sleep, then you and I can read to someone – even to other adults – aloud. If you don’t believe me, check chapter 6 in the book of Esther. Are you with me now? 😉

So here’s how April’s Read-Aloud Challenge is going to work . . .

A Love for Reading – PASS it on!

> Step 1: Pick a Partner

Find a partner to share your love for reading with this month and the next and the next one after that. Are you brave enough to accept the Read-Aloud Challenge? Pass it on. | Hint of Jam

This person should be a willing participant. No need to force anyone; there are plenty of people to choose from. Your reading partner could be a sibling. A pet or a therapy dog (make sure to ask the appropriate staff / owner first!). Or a fellow writer.

But preferably this partner is someone/thing animate. No rocks, please. They must be able to give you attention and feedback. Even if that means licking your face . . . And hopefully, only a dog would respond in this way.

If you want to read to the snake at the zoo, I say go for it! Just stay on the right side of the glass. For your safety. We still need you.

> Step 2: Agree on a Book

Depending on your and your partner’s particular tastes and maturity level, the book you choose could be a full-length sci-fi novel complete with sound effects, an intermediate chapter book, or a picture book (I love this one).

My sister and I are now reading Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen (affiliate link) and have recently passed the halfway point. Woohoo!Pssst! The audiobook is only $3.95 right now! (As of Apr 14, 2016.) Plus, it’s Whispersync ready.

> Step 3: Schedule a Convenient Time

Schedule a time to share your love for reading with someone this month and the next and the next one after that. Are you brave enough to accept the Read-Aloud Challenge? Pass it on. | Hint of Jam

Try your best to keep this time consistent. Y’all are committing to finish this book together. As an important part of the literary community, we as readers shouldn’t waste a perfectly good tree and an author’s blood-sweat-and-tears creation only to leave it half read. Unless you find that the book isn’t to your liking, then carry on with an alternative that is a better fit. Otherwise, remember – read to finish!

You and your partner’s meet up can be biweekly, once a week, or every three days. Whatever both your lifestyles and schedules allows, commit to it! Let nothing get in the way.

> Step 4: Secure a Meeting Place

Secure a comfortable meeting place to share your love for reading with someone this month and the next and the next one after that. Are you brave enough to accept the Read-Aloud Challenge? Pass it on. | Hint of Jam

Get creative here, lovely. As you may know, an expanse of ocean separates me and my sister. But we’ve figured out a system that works for us despite the distance. I read to her over the phone while she follows along on her own copy. We’ll even use FaceTime when both our internet connections are cooperating.

Maybe you and your partner have the opportunity to meet face-to-face. Even better! But be sure it’s a place with minimal noise/distraction and that allows you both to stop, talk, and giggle (or sob, depending on the kind of book you’re reading). We wouldn’t want any angry glares from the librarian, especially since this week is #NationalLibraryWeek.

Above all else, make sure your meet-up place feels comfortable for the both of you. And change locations from time to time when you feel like giving another area a try. Indulge in the freedom to explore.

So go find yourself a partner, agree on a book, stick to a committed time, and test out a comfortable spot for your read-aloud. And most importantly, enjoy the experience.

Reading to someone not only helps you work on your enunciation and comprehension, which sharpens your mind, but you also have an opportunity to embrace one of your passions with another living being. Perhaps the other person wouldn’t be reading at all if it weren’t for you. Not only are you sharing value, time, and space, but you’re also basking in the magic of the story.

Read-Aloud Challenge accepted! How're you going to share your love for reading? #ReaderChallenge2016 | Hint of JamCan we count you in? If you said YES, click the image above to announce that you’ve joined the challenge! Welcome aboard. 🙂

Dare to share your love for reading with someone this month and the next and the next one after that. Are you brave enough to accept the Read-Aloud Challenge? Pass it on. | Hint of Jam

Write Time

Are you one of the brave hearts who’ll accept the Read-Aloud Challenge? If you are, let me know with whom and what book you’ve chosen to share in the comments below. If not, I’d like to hear about the reservations that’re holding you back. I’m looking forward what you have to say!

  • If you missed March’s challenge, find out how you can start pursuing your passions today through reading by clicking here.
  • If you’ve always wanted to connect with a pen pal through good ol’ fashioned snail mail, you’ll find a willing friend from February’s challenge by clicking here.