Communities and Resources for Avid Readers

As a book dragon (the Super Saiyan form of the bookworm), the search for worthwhile reading communities is tricky. Not that there is any one community that is better than the rest, but finding a place of belonging can be tough.

When I’m deciding whether I should follow a book blog / website, I look for at least two of three features:

  1. Vibrant Personality. The entries or reviews should sound like a person is behind the words, not a robotic blurb. I want to feel as though the person writing the post had some experience with or is passionate about the literature in some way, shape, or form. This goes for literary communities / platforms, too.
  2. Ease of Navigation. Although everything shouldn’t be served on a silver platter, direction would be nice. Being invited to a buffet is lovely but it can be overwhelming. A few signs telling me what I’m looking at definitely helps.
  3. Good Quality. To each his own opinion, especially when it comes to reading tastes. However, I know I’ve stumbled across a worthwhile website / blog if gems of knowledge are etched into the entries. Just like how you can tell when you’re eating creamy gelato compared to grainy ice cream. You can taste the difference.

With these in mind, here are just a few of the communities and resources I personally love and follow.

Journeying through the Maze


  1. Anne at Modern Mrs. Darcy: Anne’s focus on women’s issues and seeking a better quality of life is so inspiring. The book lists she compiles are personable and to the point, giving you enough of a taste to figure out if the book she’s recommending is something you’d enjoy. Her calm, even tone makes the experience all the more worthwhile. Plus, if you subscribe to her newsletter, Anne gifts you a complimentary reading journal!
  2. Cait at Paper Fury: Cait is amazing. She’s approachable, convinces you to read the books she stands behind, and can write 98,000 words in 5 days. She’s a superstar. What I most admire and appreciate about Cait is how she always finds the time to interact with all those who reach out to her. Don’t believe me? Just read the comments section of her blog posts.


  1. Channillo hosted by Kara: A subscription platform for writers and readers alike. Although there is a membership fee, $4.99 for 10 subscriptions per month is a good deal. You can choose from various categories including Fantasy, Romance, Journal Entries, Poetry, and Humor / Comedy to name a few. This community is blossoming, and I’m excited to see how it grows in the coming years.
  2. The Fictional Café run by Jack, Jason, and Mike (the head “baristas”): A bustling community of readers and writers can be found at the Fictional Cafe. The visuals emit a rootedness in “old-fashioned” hardcover books while embracing technology with its intuitive web design. This combination gives an earthy, welcoming vibe that provides “artsy” creatives a space where they can hang out. With podcasts, artwork, and written submissions, there’s something for everyone in this space.

More Reading (Bonus)

  1. Audiobooks: What’s a list of bookish resources without audiobooks? *starts chanting* Audiobooks, audiobooks, audiobooks! Although there are free platforms, I love the quality of Audible’s recordings and the option to sample five minutes of books I’m curious about. If I’m investing 8+ hours of listening, I want to make sure I love the who’s reading to me. Plus, Audible offers a 30-day free trial that you can cancel at any time, and there are smart ways to save big when purchasing audiobooks.
  2. Bustle’s Books: Other than Anne’s suggestions at Modern Mrs. Darcy, Bustle’s Books probably can account for over 25% of my TBR list. Seriously. Their collaborators do a fantastic job of keeping descriptions light, fun, and intriguing. Let the book piling begin.

When fueling my book dragon appetite, these resources do the trick. Of course, this is only a piece of a larger pie and does not encompass all the resources that are out there. However, these are what resonate with me at present.

So give each a try, exploring ’em with your reading palette in mind. Join a community or follow a blogger. And show some love by reaching out to the authors. Let’s keep the literary circle alive.

Cheers to thriving bibliophilic lifestyles! *clink*

With so many resources on the web, bookworms can get swamped by information overload. Jamae lists her go-to sites for finding inspiration and community in the literary world. | Hint of Jam

Write Time

Which book bloggers or reader-friendly platforms would you recommend? I’d love to up my readerly game with your suggestions, lovely!

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