How to Reset Our Creative Mindset

As creatives, a million and one circumstances pummel us all at once on any given day. Our passion projects call our name. Our daily rhythms need us to consistently tend to them so we can stay ahead of the game. We’re many things wrapped into one human body (unless you’re a wizard; please share your powers or potions with us mere mortals).

And because of this onslaught of responsibility and passion, we can get easily bogged down. Our awesomeness dampened.

But a few mindsets I learned along the way have helped me fight against wilting.

With the help of these four constant reminders, I’ve had the chance to experience life at its fullest, and I don’t plan on going back to the way I lived before them. Ready to grow beyond your wildest imagination?

1. Come from a place of YES.

Mindset #1: Come from a place of yes. | Hint of Jam

I picked up this mantra from my friend Rachel Giesel of Real+Good Writing. The moment she shared it, I was overwhelmed with excitement. Coming from a place of YES entails opportunity, giving way to blessing, allowing beauty to enter our lives.

Now, keep in mind that this does NOT mean to say yes to everything. No no no. Whenever opportunities present themselves, I always weigh in my time, my current energy levels, and, most importantly, my values before accepting anything. At times, I consider these things thrice before agreeing to participate.

However, what I am saying is to give every opportunity a chance. Before you say no, think of what it means to say yes to that event, situation, person. Allow it to step into the foyer before you shut the door in its face. Sometimes the most unassuming opportunity reaps the best outcomes.

2. Press ground down.

Mindset #2: Press, ground down. | Hint of Jam

Since I started taking Modern Dance from my friend Sara Parker, she’s used this phrase throughout our warmups to remind us that our movements should start from our core. Our core keeps us rooted and gives us the ability to reach past ourselves, past our current limits. To balance on single limbs. To change levels from high up in the air to rolling on the floor and vice versa.

When you press ground down, you can control the space around you while having the freedom to explore.

This translates to our personal values, our ideas of success, and our faith in ourselves. If we are grounded in these concepts, we can experiment with different aspects of our creative lives without having to worry about what will happen next.

We have what’s important under control – our mindset. All we have to do now is act and believe that the universe will take care of us, steering us in the right direction even if we make mistakes along the way.

3. It’s all in the breathing.

Mindset #3: It's all in the breathing. | Hint of Jam

My cousin Kuya* Gene shared this mantra with me while I was visiting family in California over the summer. During dinner, he mentioned how he’d watch his dad sparring and owning the experience without breaking a sweat despite his advanced age. On the other hand, doing the same technique nearly wiped out my cousin.

“How do you do it?” he asked his father. His dad replied with a knowing smile, “It’s all in the breathing.”

This principle is also manifested in yoga. Let go of the day, its craziness, dullness, busyness. Just let it go. Be present. Fully there.

When we center our energy on the task at hand and breathe through it, less effort is required on our part. Don’t think of the past or the future. Be in the now. Let your surroundings sink in and remember why you’re here.

*Kuya” is a respectful title we Filipinos call our older male relatives or peers.

4. What’s the worst that could happen?

Mindset #4: What's the worst that could happen? | Hint of Jam

I used to be afraid of everything. Or more specifically, of what people would think of me if I did things my way. How would they see me? When I let these thoughts take over my decision-making process, I found myself shying away from promising opportunities.

My heart would ache as I waved farewell to those ships I let sail away.

But one day, something inside me snapped. When I felt the fear creeping in, I finally asked myself, “What’s the worst that could happen?”

If the answer was embarrassment or rejection, I’d laugh. Rejection is nothing new to me. If the answer was falling into uncertainty, I made plans, a safety net to catch me if I did fall, and reminded myself of the support system I had.

As long as no harm would be caused to myself or others, I embraced the opportunities.

Another way of thinking of this mindset is to follow peace. If you feel comfortable and feel a strong pull towards the opportunity, go for it!

The question’s purpose is two-fold. Your heart knows what it wants, so thinking of the worst case scenario with your mind gives further peace to your spirit with the reassurance that this is the right thing to do.

We’ll make mistakes along the way. But we’re only human. And it’s okay to trip. Just dust yourself off and remember not to go down that route again. You got this.

Standing on the side lines isn’t going to cut it anymore. Don’t let the other players run the field. Grasp the moment and run with it.

Choose to experience life at its fullest. | Hint of Jam

This is your time. Your life. And, unless you’ve found the fountain of youth, you only get one this side of the universe. Make the most of it.

Whatever crosses your path, look at it from a place of yes. Press ground down. And remember to breathe. What’s the worst that could happen? 😉

As creatives, a million and one circumstances pummel us all at once on any given day. Mantras can help us reset our mindset so we can forge ahead without wilting. | Hint of Jam

Write Time

What mindsets have helped you grow in ways you couldn’t have anticipated? Share your wisdom in the comments below, lovely!